Scammer Posing as Montrose County Sheriff Deputy Claims You Missed Jury Duty
There are people who imagine being a Montrose County Sheriff Deputy and some turn that dream into reality. Others just pretend so they can get your money.
The scammer in question claims to be Lieutenant Halsey from the Montrose County Sheriff's Office. He may go by other names and ranks as well.
Anyway, he's not Lt. Halsey, and he's not from the MCSO. Now we have that clear, here's what Lt. Halsey the scammer does. He calls, informs you that you didn't show up for jury duty, and then demands money.
If this happens, don't give out any personal information and don't pay. Do hang up.
The real members of the MCSO don't call you and demand money for missed jury service. Yes, you are supposed to show up when issued a jury summons, and yes, if you don't you will be contacted. If you're a skeptic or not sure it's the real deal, then call the Sheriff's Office at 970-252-4023 for confirmation.
Authorities don't want your money, they want your time as a part of your civic duty as an American citizen. So, in addition to notifying you of the scam, this is also a friendly reminder that your service as a juror can help put these criminals in jail.
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