R-5 Student Garden Project Looking Forward to Some Green
The new campus for R-5 High School has been embraced by students so much they have decided to take a piece of bare ground at the school and turn it into a garden.
The garden, in its early stages, is already showing how committed students are to the Project Based Learning part of their curriculum.
Right now, the students are building greenhouses, compost bins, preparing the soil by adding organic matter and studying plant growth and garden planting and care techniques as they prepare for the season.
The garden, which will be growing flowers and vegetables, also allows students to learn about operating a business.
Once mature, the students plan to sell what they are growing. This will give them money to buy additional materials, seeds and tools to keep the garden growing.
The students plan on having everything ready and officially open for business no later than May 7 when they'll host the R-5 High School Project Plant Sale from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.
The students need $8,500 for soil, seeds, trees, irrigation system, tools, and supplies. The plant sale will generate only part of the money needed. The rest of the funds the students are working to raise themselves through donations.
If you want to help R-5 students get a great start to learning both practical and life skills through hands-on work donate to the R-5 High School Garden Project GoFundMe account.
I admit I don't know all the details of this project, but my wife does and she's made it clear this is a project worth supporting. Her endorsement is all I need to make a donation to help fund the student garden.