Northern Colorado has a very rich and distinct history and while many things have drastically changed over the years, some remain the same. And our history is something that can never be touched - and it's something to be proud of too.

There is a ton of history here in northern Colorado and whether the town is in Larimer County or Weld County there is some pretty neat stuff about many of the towns that make up our region.

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One of my favorite things to do when I move to a new place is look back on old pictures of that city or area from back in the day. It gives me a good sense of where the place and its people came from and a nice perspective on why some things are the way they are or people feel the way they feel about certain things.

Not only that but, I learn different things about different places and I really get a kick out of that. After digging around with some historical stuff here in Northern Colorado, I found some really neat facts. So, I'd like to share some of the things I learned about Northern Colorado, in particular, what some of the towns are known for.

Here's What Some Northern Colorado Town Are Famous For

Northern Colorado is rich in history and tradition, here's what some of our towns are famous for.

START SCROLLING: Small Colorado Towns Known for Big Things

Colorado is full of towns and cities of all sizes. If you're on the front range, you have the majority of big populated cities. Move more towards the east and west, and these towns get smaller and smaller.

Just because some of these towns are populated by very few people, that doesn't mean they are not home to big things.

Let's take a look at these small Colorado towns known for big things.

Teeny Tiny Colorado Towns That are a Half a Square Mile or Less in Size

Did you know there are over 100 towns in Colorado that are all under half a square mile? In fact, there are over 100 towns this size with some of them as small as .03 square miles.

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