Montrose Names Teachers Of The Year
The Montrose Education Foundation recently awarded Teacher of the Year to some very deserving teachers.
Named Teacher of the Year were Christina Kohout, a fifth-grade teacher from Northside Elementary, Shay Freeburg, a language arts teacher from Columbine Middle School and Rusty George, a Montrose High School science teacher.
Each of these wonderful individuals was given a $500 check from Alpine Bank to use for their classrooms.
The teachers were named Teacher of the Month for not only their classroom work, but work in the district and the community.
The three are now eligible to apply for the Montrose Education Foundation's $10,000 Impact award.
59 teachers were nominated and, through the candidate essay, 18 were eligible for the award.
The teachers plan to use the $500 award to update things within their classrooms or purchase textbooks on some subjects to increase learning.
Kudos to the Montrose Education Foundation's Teachers of the year as well as all that were nominated for the award.
Our kids in Montrose are in wonderful hands.