It's not every day you see a chicken actually crossing the road. Blabby the chicken was spotted do this very thing in Montrose this weekend.

The chicken was seen crossing Main Street and San Juan Avenue and thankfully, is safe and sound. According to KJCT, Levi Harris took the video below and then got out of their car to get the chicken to safety.

The chicken is taking its time crossing the road, kind of just strolling around in the turning lane. I don't know why the chicken crossed the road, but here are some theories.

Blabby the Chicken Spotted Crossing the Road in Montrose
Google Maps

Based on the location of where the chicken crossed the road, right at Main Street and San Juan Avenue, these are a few theories:

  • The chicken was trying to grab a subwich
  • The chicken wanted to grab a beer from the Shell
  • The chicken wanted to explore some new hobbies at Ulta Hobbies

I'm happy the chicken is now safe and sound after its intersection adventure. Let us know why you think the chicken crossed the road in the comments.

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