Marijuana Lounges May Be Coming to Dillon, Colorado
Recreational marijuana has been legal in Colorado for a while now, and now the idea of having public places to smoke is slowly becoming a reality, with Dillon, Colorado recently approving opening establishments where users can do so legally.
The establishments, known as 'marijuana lounges' would be similar to bars but instead of consuming alcohol in public, patrons would be allowed to use marijuana in public.
The marijuana lounges would be located adjacent to already existing marijuana dispensaries in the town and would be run by employees of the dispensaries, allowing customers a place to smoke the marijuana that they had purchased in a well-ventilated, smoker friendly area. However, the ordinance would prohibit users to smoke in the lounge the same day that they bought the marijuana.
Dillion council member Brad Bailey had this to say about the new ordinance:
This is not about whether you smoke pot or know somebody who does. This is about an existing industry and what I consider the reasonable evolution of that industry. A lot of the public comments were about the health concerns and about ventilation. And I think we’ve addressed those through this ordinance.
The lounges will be open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. and will offer transportation from the establishments to make sure that patrons will not be driving while under the influence.
While there are many supporters of the marijuana lounges in Dillon, there have been many members of the community that have voiced their opposition to them. In fact, a recent poll conducted by Summit Daily News showed that 54% of readers polled were not in favor of the new ordinance.
It's unclear when the new marijuana lounges will begin breaking ground, but Dillon will be one of the first towns in Colorado to implement such establishments.

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