It’s Finally Olathe Sweet Corn Season
It's Olathe Sweet Corn time again in the Grand Valley.
It’s right up there with the famous Palisade Peaches, the arrival of Olathe Sweet Corn. Put on a pot of boiling water or get the grill ready. It's time to butter up some sweet corn. Keep an eye out. The sweet stuff will be in grocery stores soon or of course, you make a trip out to Olathe and grab some directly from the growers.
This spring's cooler and wetter weather has pushed back the harvest a couple of weeks but don't worry, plenty will be on hand for the upcoming festival. That annual event has a new home for 2019. This year the Olathe Sweet Corn Festival will be held in Montrose at the new Montrose County Event Center.
The move helped the Olathe Sweet Corn Festival save about $30,000 in event expenses. According to the owner of the Tuxedo Corn Company, John Harold, "We were able to save probably $30,000 by using a facility instead of using a park (In Olathe). There will be some resistance, but you'll still get all the sweet corn you can eat for free." The festival filled with kids activities, vendors, live music and plenty of sweet corn is Saturday, August 3rd.
Olathe Sweet Corn should start hitting local grocery store shelves by the end of the month.
Credit: KJCT8News
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