Holiday DUI Enforcement Starts July 3
The annual state-wide DUI enforcement period runs from July 3 through July 8.
The Colorado Department of Transportation, Colorado State Patrol, and local law enforcement will be watching for impaired drivers. The enhanced enforcement period will include checkpoints, saturation patrols, and increased officers on Colorado highways.
If your 4th of July weekend celebration includes alcohol be sure you have a designated driver. “The Fourth of July is a time to celebrate our country and a day when we can enjoy the many recreational options that Colorado has to offer,” so says Shoshana Lew, CDOT Executive Director. “But holidays mean more people out on the road, which makes it especially important to be careful and make good choices about when to get behind the wheel. Impaired driving puts yourself and others in harm’s way.”
During Colorado's 2018 4th of July enhanced enforcement period, officers conducted 304 DUI arrests from 103 different agencies statewide. For this year, 97 law enforcement agencies will participate over the six-day period.
Recently, during this year's 'Summer Blitz' DUI enforcement, 108 law enforcement agencies made 573 arrests of impaired drivers on Colorado roadways during the 10-days between June 14 through the 24.
“Holidays are a reason to celebrate, safely and responsibly,” says Col. Matthew Packard, Colorado State Patrol Chief. “Planning a sober ride home ensures that you won’t endanger yourself or others on the road. Law enforcement will always be on the road, so remember to drive sober or not at all.”
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