Grand Junction’s Top Three Favorite Thanksgiving Desserts
After all of the tasty turkey, mashed potatoes and stuffing come the Thanksgiving desserts. These are Grand Junction's top three favorite Thanksgiving desserts, according to you.
Every year I have the problem of eating too much Thanksgiving food, like stuffing and mashed potatoes, and I don't leave room for dessert. This year I'll try my best to manage to make room for the dessert too because these sound delicious.
We asked you on our Facebook and you answered. These are Grand Junction's top three favorite Thanksgiving desserts.
Pumpkin pie is a Thanksgiving classic, so it's easy to see why it's number one for Grand Junction. Pumpkin pie won its way into Grand Junction's stomach by a landslide.
Pecan pie is one of my favorite kinds of Thanksgiving desserts and it's Grand Junction's favorite. Maybe I'll manage to make some room for it this year.
There is something about pumpkins and Thanksgiving that just go together oh so well. Grand Junction's third favorite Thanksgiving dessert is pumpkin cheesecake.
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