Here's a word of advice. Never, ever lose your credit cards in Grand Junction. They may end up going on a spending spree without you.

On Thursday, February 2, 2017, a person lost their wallet - a nice pink one - which had all the things normally carried in a wallet including driver's license, some personal documents, and VISA credit/debit cards.

At least one of those lost credit cards ended up shopping at Teller Arms Liquor, Smoker Friendly, and Domino's Pizza. Yep, that lost card went out and bought booze, smokes, and pizza.

Crime Stoppers of Mesa County
Crime Stoppers of Mesa County

That's not all. The card is believed to have had an accomplice whose picture showed up on a security camera. In that picture is a white female with dark hair. She was wearing an army green jacket, beige scarf, blue jeans and a turquoise baseball cap with a skull emblem.

In an interesting twist, police found the woman wasn't an accomplice but a crook who used the credit card against its and the card owners will. Now, the police are looking for the credit card criminal so they can make their own charges.

If you know or have seen this person, call Crime Stoppers at 970-241-7867 and make an anonymous report. You can also anonymously submit tips and information on the Crime Stoppers of Mesa County website or by using the P3 Tips app.

If the information leads to an arrest, you could collect a reward of up to $1,000 and remain completely anonymous.


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