That One Food People In Grand Junction Will Never Eat
Is there one food that just seems so gross and disgusting that you just can't bring yourself to eat it?
I Was Born This Way
For people who know me, it's no secret that I am one of the world's most finicky eaters. I'm not necessarily happy about that. It's just the way I've always been. I didn't choose this path - it chose me at a very early age and has followed me all the years of my life.
I have a list of foods that I won't eat. These are foods that absolutely gag me - like sushi, cucumbers in vinegar, and sweet pickles - whole or chopped up in tuna salad or egg salad. Then, there's another much longer list of foods that I will eat if I have to, but prefer not to and will go to great lengths to avoid them. The list includes casseroles, dishes containing onions, mushrooms, or olives, and desserts that contain whole pieces of fruit.
It's Nice To Know I'm Not the Only One
Recently, I asked the question on social media "What is one food you will never eat.?" I was so happy with the response I got because it made me feel so much better about myself. It helped me realize that it's okay to not love everything that's on the dinner table - or the church potluck.
What I have discovered is, just about everybody has something they really don't like and choose not to eat. It's just that I probably have a lot more of those things on my list than the average person.