Governor Jared Polis Asking Everyone To Start Wearing Masks
Taking yet another step to stop the spread of the coronavirus in Colorado, Governor Jared Polis is asking everyone to wear a non-medical fabric mask when they go outside.
The governor donned a mask during his daily briefing as he asked everyone in the state to start wearing a mask out in public to help stop the COVID-19 virus and to save lives.
While the governor once again emphasized the importance of staying home except when absolutely necessary, the idea of wearing masks applies to people going to the grocery store, picking up medicine and medical supplies, or going to work. While the mask you wear may not be medical grade, it can help you avoid touching your face, and it also sends a message to those around you that you are trying to protect yourself and others.
It's being requested that people not use medical masks in order to make sure they are available for medical personnel who critically need a high-grade mask. The website, offers instructions on how to make a suitable mask. The governor suggested using some old t-shirts you may have in your bottom drawer. The main thing is that you use a fabric that is as tightly woven as possible.
All we can ask is that everyone does their best. If you don't have a sewing machine - or any sewing skills, do the best you can. Doing something is better than nothing, so let's all get on board, get a mask, and let's get serious about beating COVID-19. The more people that take heed and respond to the governor's request, the more others will realize it's a serious matter and will hop on board and the sooner the victory is won.
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