National Friendship Day is this Sunday (August 2) and we want to share five ways anyone can be an amazing friend.

Friendship is one of the most precious commodities we have on this earth, yet we tend to take our friends for granted. Honestly, quite often we don't act like a very good friend to those who are our good friends. From BuzzFeed, here are five ways that anyone can be an amazing friend.

1) Be On Time, Most of the Time
Promptness may not seem like such a big deal, but the fact is, when you are perpetually late it can affect your friendship. Continual tardiness sends a silent message that you don't respect the other person's time, or that they aren't important enough for you to make the effort to be on time for your appointment.

2) Be Genuinely Enthusiastic About Their Accomplishments
The fact is, we all love to talk about ourselves - and we tend to politely listen to others talk about their successes. We give an obligatory word of congratulations, and then quickly move on to the next thing. Try truly being interested in what your friend is saying, and be genuinely happy for their accomplishments.The more genuine interest you show in them, the stronger and deeper your friendship will be.

3) Be Specific When Offering to Help
The phrase, "Let me know what I can do to help," puts the other person in the very awkward position of having to ask for help, and most people simply don't feel comfortable doing that. You may have great intentions when you say "let me know if I can do anything", but, most likely nothing will materialize. It would be better to say something like "How can I best help you, " or "what can I do to help." You can also offer to provide specific services. "Would it help if I could bring dinner over," or "could I go to the store and get some things for  you?"

4) Go With the Flow
There are fluctuations with friendships. At times you are closer than at others. That's OK. Don't take it personally if they don't seem to have time for you this week. Give them room. Be sensitive to what's going on in their life, and determine if this seems to be a particularly good time or not to be trying to do something with them. Oh, and keep in mind, nobody's perfect. Cut your friends some slack.

5) Don't Expect Your Friend to Agree With You 100% of the Time
Even friends disagree - and it doesn't diminish the friendship. You should feel free to have different opinions and to express them without feeling judged, belittled, or confronted. Allow them to have their own views and opinions, and show respect- even if they are different from your views. If there is a naturally sensitive subject like politics or religion, don't even go there. Look for common ground, but know there will always be differences.

You'll find 10 more ways you can be an amazing friend at BuzzFeed. Take the advice and you will be on you way to being a completely amazing friend.

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