Not everyone wants their child to have candy at Halloween, citing dentist bills and the danger of eating something not fully controlled as their reasons to avoid the traditional. But how can kids go Trick or Treating and not get candy?

A group called Our Community Now offers healthy candy alternative ideas to avoid the sugar onslaught that comes with the season. SO if you're looking for something that you can hand out this Halloween that will be a little better for kids, check out their list.

Healthy Snacks

Colorado's Choices For Halloween Candy Alternatives
Getty Images

Snacks are delicious no matter what time of the year it is, so having something healthy and nutritious is pretty easy. Fruit snacks abound, as do various granola bars and trail mix packages that everyone likes. Add things like raisins, cheese sticks or pumpkin seeds and you can really make someone's day with this healthy and fun alternative.

Honey Sticks

Colorado's Choices For Halloween Candy Alternatives
Photo, Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Natural,sweet and delicious. You honestly can't go wrong with these. And, they're inexpensive so you can stock up!


Colorado's Choices For Halloween Candy Alternatives

Kids love stickers. It doesn't matter what kind either, although since it's Halloween, you might want to find some spooky ones.

Temporary Tattoos

Colorado's Choices For Halloween Candy Alternatives
Instagram / meisketenjune

These are just a lot of fun. And since they're temporary they can keep enjoying these long after Halloween. These guys can't wait for theirs!

Glow Sticks

Colorado's Choices For Halloween Candy Alternatives
Thinkstock Photo

Perfect for Halloweening. No problem being seen with one of these. And with a bunch of colors, you can keep having fun.

These fun alternatives to candy won't make dentists happy but the kids sure will love em.

Share your list with us!


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