Do you race down I-70 at 100 miles per hour (that's an exaggeration) in your Subaru on your way to a pot shop with a pair of skis or snowboard strapped to your car? If these 10 stereotypes about Coloradans is true, you sure do.

Broncos fan for life.

Colorado Stereotypes
Getty Images

Let's face it, you know a few Colorado natives who don't root for the Broncs.

You're not a Coloradan unless you drive a Subaru.

Colorado Stereotypes
Getty Images

There are a ton of Subes around. What about the plethora of Jeeps and Toyota trucks?

Everyone in Colorado skis or snowboards.

Colorado Stereotypes
Thinkstock Photo

You probably know a native who has never clipped on a pair of skis or a snowboard.

... or rides a mountain bike.

Colorado Stereotypes
Thinkstock Photo

Despite the many pristine trails, riding a bike isn't for everyone.

... or rides a horse.

Colorado Stereotypes
Thinkstock Photo

No, we're not all cowboys or cowgirls.

Potheads, potheads everywhere.

Colorado Stereotypes
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Not exactly. There are a lot of them.

Everyone is the outdoorsy type.

Colorado Stereotypes
Thinkstock Photo

No. Some people enjoy being a couch potato.

Colorado is for the dogs.

Colorado Stereotypes
Thinkstock Photo

Not everyone in Colorado owns a dog. There are some cat owners.

Coloradans are craft-beer connoisseurs.

Colorado Stereotypes
Thinkstock Photo

There are some Coloradans who dig Coors (but we're not sure why).

Everyone has a bit of hippie in them.

Colorado Stereotypes
Getty Images

Not everyone... well, mostly everyone.

What would you add to this list?

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