Colorado’s Best Holiday Weekend Travel Advice: Stay Alive, Don’t Speed
Did you know that speeding is a contributing factor in almost half of Colorado's roadway fatalities?
Slow Down and Obey the Speed Limit
As the Memorial Day holiday weekend approaches, the Colorado State Patrol and the Colorado Department of Transportation, and other law enforcement agencies are urging Coloradans to "slow down and obey the speed limit." The purpose of speed limits is not to impose on your rights, but to save lives and to make the road safer for everyone.
How Many Drivers Will Die This Holiday Weekend?
Over the past 15 years, an average of 6 people have been killed each year in traffic accidents in Colorado over the Memorial Day Holiday weekend. These are people that left home for the weekend - and never returned
Here is a sobering fact, every single year, more than 400 Americans lose their lives in traffic accidents over the Memorial Day holiday weekend. These are regular people just like you and me who had kids and grandkids, a spouse, brothers, and sisters - people who were involved in their church and in their local community. People who cheered on the Broncos, loved to ski and hike, and were making plans for summer vacations.

High-Speed Fatalities In El Paso County
In El Paso County, the Colorado county with the most speed-related fatalities, Sheriff Bill Elder says many fatal accidents are caused by avoidable factors, "most notably excessive speed and alcohol or drug impairment." Colorado Springs Chief of Police Adrian Vasquez says "Collisions - especially those that cause serious injury or death - are almost always avoidable."
More than 40% of speeding-related crashes happen on non-interstate roads in Colorado. Interstate accidents attributed to excess speed account for 37% of the state's speeding-related crashes. In 2020, Colorado had a total of 287 speeding-related fatalities.
Increasing Your Chances of Staying Alive
Here's the bottom line. There are inherent dangers that come with getting behind the wheel and hitting the road. Those dangers become exacerbated when we engage in risky driving behaviors such as drinking, distracted driving, and speeding. Law enforcement will be on high alert this weekend for violators. Don't be one of them.
Saving a few minutes of time is hardly worth the risk that comes with risky behavior. If you are taking to the road this holiday weekend, take some good advice. Slow down, go speed the limit, don't drink and drive, pay attention to the road - and increase your chances of surviving the weekend. Increase your chances of staying alive by slowing down and obeying the speed limit.
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