Citizens Police Academy Offered in Delta County
When I think of a police academy, I can't help but think of the classic Police Academy movies from the 1980s. This is definitely not that type of academy.
The purpose of the citizen's police academy is not to recruit potential law enforcement officers, but simply to educate the public on some of the inner workings of local law enforcement agencies.
The topics being presented include patrol, investigations, K-9, SWAT, crime scene investigations, dispatch, jail, traffic enforcement and accident investigations, plus each cadet will get one ride-along with an officer.
The classes meet for three hours every Thursday beginning in March and continue into early May. The academy is open exclusively to Delta County residents, 18 years and older, and all applicants will be subject to a background check. The class is limited to 20 cadets. You can get more details on the Delta County Sheriff's Facebook page.
While most of us aren't interested in becoming police officers, it would be interesting to learn more about how law enforcement actually works. For many of us, our knowledge of law enforcement is limited to what we have seen on Law & Order or from Dirty Harry Callahan. You mean that's not really real?
If you live in Delta County, you should consider submitting an application for the Citizen's Police Academy.
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