Cancer Patient Enjoys Butt-Kicking Dance Party
This woman is determined not to let cancer take over her body.
Ana-Alecia Ayala, who is battling a uterine sarcoma, posted this video of her dancing while in the midst of her fourth round of chemotherapy at Baylor T. Boone Pickens Cancer Hospital in Dallas.
Ayala danced with a friend to "Juju on That Beat" by Zay Hilfigerrr and Zayion McCall.
Ayala's positive attitude seems contagious -- the clip has done gangbusters on Facebook and, as she wrote, "We want to show the world that dancing and laughter is the BEST medicine.
Ayala is certainly grateful for the response her video has generated, too. You can help Ayala cover her medical expenses through her GoFundMe page.
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