Canadian Air Force Invades Grand Junction Airport
A Canadian-American who lives and works in Grand Junction was thrilled when he found out these Canadian jets were on the tarmac at the GJ Regional Airport today (February 15).
Adrian de Lange, Pastor of New Life Church in Grand Junction, is a Canadian citizen, a US permanent resident, a friend, and in full disclosure, the pastor of the church I'm a member of. So, I can't be too judgemental about his caption of the photo on Facebook which read,
You saw it here first: Canada is invading the USA. Specifically, the Grand Junction airport. I, for one, couldn't be more proud."
Pastor de Lange explained his caption saying, considering the political climate in the US, a bit of humor might ease some tensions. He noted, it's obvious Canada invading the US is unlikely, so why not make it outrageously funny.
The photo was taken by church member and mutual friend Andrew Golike. He was on a flight out of Grand Junction and snapped the photo to prove the Canadians have landed.
One person thought the planes look very similar to the old Douglas A-4 Skyhawk (likely another bit of humor). To me, they appear to be Royal Canadian Air Force CT-155 Hawks, high-tech performance trainers used for the NATO flight training program in Canada.
If that's the case, this isn't an invasion America needs to worry about. But if it makes a Canadian-American happy, why spoil the moment.
At the time of this writing, I don't know why the jets were in Grand Junction, but if they're trainers, they may have flown in to get some tips from Americans pilots and take a coffee or lunch break at Tim Horton's. Sorry guys, you'll have to settle for Starbucks, Wendy's and Burger King.
Other comments, including the planes run on maple syrup and the Canadian Air Force only needs them for moose patrol, add to the laughs.
One thing for sure, I'd love to eavesdrop on the conversation between de Lange and his wife Kaylee about this. She's All-American Red White and Blue, and according to de Lange, the funnier of the two. But, she's also sweet enough to indulge the excitement.. at least for a moment.
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