7 Things to Know About Colorado’s Presidential Primary Election
The Colorado Presidential Primary Election happens on March 3.
If you are not a registered voter you have until February 3 to get registered.
For whatever reason, it seems like voter turnout for primary elections is much smaller than the general election. That seems odd considering the fact we are talking about the process of deciding who is going to be the next president of the United States.
It's so critical that American citizens are involved in the voting process whenever the opportunity to vote presents itself. The Presidential Primary is that first opportunity for 2020.
Here are 7 things to know about the Colorado Presidential Primary Election.
* Anyone who is 17 years old on the date of the primary and will be 18 before the next general election is entitled to vote.
* If you are affiliated with a party you have to cast your ballot for candidates of the party you are affiliated with.
* You will receive a ballot in the mail just like regular elections
* Unaffiliated voters can cast a ballot for any political party.
* If you are unaffiliated you can request the ballot of your choice and receive it in the mail, or you can just show up at a polling location and choose the party's ballot you want.
* Selecting a ballot preference as an unaffiliated voter does not mean you are joining that party.
* You can't participate in a party's caucus if you are unaffiliated, even if you are casting a vote in that party's primary election.
Regardless of your party affiliation, it's just so important for you to be involved in this part of the process which all leads up to the big presidential election in November. Be informed, be active, and be sure and vote.