20 Animals Who Think They’re People
If we all didn't love anthropomorphic animals so much, there's no way Disney would be as successful as it is. It turns out there's something better than cartoon animals acting like people though -- real animals acting like people.
Granted, none of these guys are going to break into song, but that doesn't mean we can't pretend, because we have imagination. It's the one thing that separates us from these book-reading, clothes-wearing animals.
"I'm sorry. I was told dinner would be served at 7 sharp."
Eating Dog
Nooooo Squirrel
"There, there."
There There
"Just catching up on my summer reading."
Glasses Dog
"Nobody invited me to the party."
Sad Owl
"Of course I'm wearing a tuxedo -- it's after 5 pm. What am I, a farmer?"
Tuxedo Duck
"Bye! Bye! See you later! Call me! Bye!"
"...where fashion sits. Putting on the Ritz!"
Putting on the Ritz
"Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge."
"Booyakasha! Check dis! Sorry. I just discovered Ali G. That guy is hilarious."
"Top of the morning, kind sir. Spare a two pence for a poor rabbit? Or a carrot?"
Proper Bunny
"I shall sing you the song of my people. It's by Grizzly Bear. What, you've never heard of them? Well, this is awkward..."
Aria Bear
"I can't believe they just left us here."
Baby Dog
"How you doin'?"
Driving Bloodhound
"Paint me like one of your French girls."
Come Hither Cat
"Go on, I'm listening."
Go On
"I've just got to get a base. Then the bronzing really starts happening."
"Cool story, bro."
We just can't even.
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