If you've driven in Grand Junction or other Colorado cities, you've noticed red light running is common. But how many people have been killed when running a red light?

The National Coalition for Safer Roads has been tracking red light running fatalities and found that in Colorado, Denver and surrounding suburbs not only have the highest rates in the state but also ranks in the top 10 nationally.

The five Colorado cities with the highest number of red light running fatalities in Colorado from 2004-2013.

  1. Denver (and surrounding communities)
  2. Colorado Springs
  3. Pueblo
  4. Boulder
  5. Grand Junction

The NCSR also found the most number of red-light violations occur between Memorial Day and Labor Day.  Those two holidays and Independence Day also have a higher number of red light violations than the rest of the summer travel season.

With these statistics in mind, even if you're a safe driver you still need to be aware there are plenty of others who aren't, so always "watch out for the other guy."



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