Pizza is so good, but so not good for you. But, here's some good news - it may be getting a little better for you.

Pizza Hut is testing a new "skinny slice pie" for people who are counting calories but still wanting to enjoy all of the cheesy, greasy, yummy goodness of pizza.

According to an Associated Press report on Yahoo, the lighter pizzas are being tested in Toledo and West Palm Beach, boasting slices of 250 calories or less.

The key seems obvious - less dough and less toppings.The dough and toppings are the same --just less of them. It looks like the thickness of the crust may fall somewhere between a hand-tossed pie and thin and crispy.

Being a pizza pie lover -and also a person who is careful about the amount of calories that get shoveled in on a daily basis- this is great news. However, I would expect my enjoyment of the skinny pizza to be somewhat diminished considering the fact that I love extra toppings on my pizza pie - not less.

It seems that more and more people are watching what they eat --and apparently the folks at Pizza Hut are seeing the affects of that on  their P & L reports. So they are hoping a lower calorie pizza will get the weight watchers to dive back in.

Is a 'skinny' slice of Pepperoni Lovers going to be as good as a regular slice? Absolutely not. But is it going to be close enough to the real thing that it's worth it to take in fewer calories? That remains to be seen --and if it actually makes it to Grand Junction, I'll be the first to give it a try.

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