Let's face it, we've all been given gifts we didn't want or had no use for.  My wife and I kept some less than pleasing things we received as gifts hidden in a closet for what seemed like years. We finally overcame the guilt about donating to charity things someone close to us had taken the time to shop for and spend money on. Now, I'm questioning why we didn't just re-gift them.A recent story in the Wall Street Journal shows the person who feels guilty about offending the original giver really shouldn't worry too much about  it. Apparently, it's not the thought or even the price that counts, but the gift itself. In one study, people most appreciated a gift they specifically asked for. The thoughtfulness, it seems, is more important and satisfying to giver than the recipient.

According to a survey done by American Express, 79% of the respondents said it's perfectly acceptable to re-gift during the holidays, perhaps validating the proverbial one person's trash is another person's treasure. So, if it's not what you want and you think someone else would like it better, re-gift it. Just make sure not to give it to the same person who gave it to you.

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