The cyberworld is under attack like never before and it's getting more and more difficult to discern between legitimate emails and fraudulent schemes.

The Perils of Email

Anybody who has an email account is receiving a ton of junk mail. A lot of it is harmless spam. Unwanted, perhaps, but harmless. But, many emails are rolling into your inbox that are nothing more than attempts by hackers to gain access to your computer, infect your computer, and tap into your personal information. These are anything but harmless.

Angels in Disguise

The ever-growing problem is how hackers nowadays are able to disguise themselves as legitimate and believable sources and trick unsuspecting victims into clicking on a link in the email or downloading an attachment. In both cases, the results can be disastrous to the victim, because that is exactly how these hackers gain immediate access to your computer and personal information.

Looking For Clues

There are clues to look for when you are trying to determine if an email is legitimate, but sometimes it can be challenging. Some hacking-attempts are more obvious. Often times they will come with some sort of legal threat against you if you don't respond, or they will threaten to suspend your account. Oftentimes, it appears as though the email is for your benefit and your protection. Most often, that is not the case.

What Do Bogus Emails Look Like?

I have received my share of these phishing emails that try to entice me into their web of deceit by clicking on a link or downloading an attachment. I'm sharing them below in hopes it can shed some light for some folks who may be confused by the ingenious and subtle tactics of foolery employed by these computer-hacking swindlers.

12 Shrewd Email Tactics Hackers Use To Rip You Off

Computer hackers are working full-time nowadays --not only to hold major corporations hostage with ransomware -but they're also hard at work trying to gain access to private computers and personal information of unsuspecting victims. Surrendering access to these schemers could have disastrous consequences, but sometimes it can be difficult to tell what's legitimate and what's not. That's why I'm sharing 12 emails I've personally received that appear to be as bogus as a three-dollar bill.

No doubt, you have received very similar emails in your inbox and wondered if they were legit. A good rule of thumb to follow is when you receive an email from an unverified source - do not, under any circumstance click on anything in the email or download any attachments. That is exactly how hackers can gain instant access to your computer and your information.

LOOK: Here are 25 ways you could start saving money today

These money-saving tips—from finding discounts to simple changes to your daily habits—can come in handy whether you have a specific savings goal, want to stash away cash for retirement, or just want to pinch pennies. It’s never too late to be more financially savvy. Read on to learn more about how you can start saving now. [From: 25 ways you could be saving money today]

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