Dozens of people reported UFO sightings to the National UFO Reporting Center over the course of 2022. Take a look at a number of fascinating images captured from across the state.

Colorado residents reported over a hundred UFO sightings in 2022. Most did not include images or videos. Some, however, did include images worthy of inspection. The gallery below contains images from every corner of the Centennial State.

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113 UFO Sightings Reported In Colorado In 2022

According to Out There Colorado, the National UFO Reporting Center database includes 113 reports from Colorado for the year 2022.

Colorado Communities Affected

In 2022 alone, UFO sightings were reported in Colorado communities including:

Source For This Information

This information comes from the 2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The images in the gallery below represent only a fraction of the reports made during the year 2022. That report states:
AARO (All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office) and ODNI (Office of the Director of National Intelligence) assess that the observed increase in the UAP reporting rate is partially due to a better understanding of the possible threats that UAP may represent, either as safety of flight hazards or as potential adversary collection platforms, and partially due to reduced stigma surrounding UAP reporting. This increased reporting allows more opportunities to apply rigorous analysis and resolve events.
The National UFO Reporting Center site offers a detailed list of dates, locations, descriptions, and in many cases, photos.

Please Look Closely

Study the entire list of reports, and you'll undoubtedly find some of the reports to be clearly fraudulent. In other cases, those submitting the report simply claim to have something they can't identify.

The Nature Of Skepticism

According to Britannica, skepticism is defined as:

Skepticism, also spelled scepticism, in Western philosophy, the attitude of doubting knowledge claims set forth in various areas. Skeptics have challenged the adequacy or reliability of these claims by asking what principles they are based upon or what they actually establish.

With this, examine the gallery below, and decide for yourself if the evidence provided meets your criteria for solid, verifiable proof.

National UFO Reporting Center Photos From Colorado 2022

The following images are courtesy of the National UFO Reporting Center. All images come from locations around Colorado for the calendar year 2022. The one exception would be a photo dated December 30, 2021.

Not all sightings reported to the National UFO Reporting Center include photos. Most do not. Of the photos shared, many are of low quality. The images shared here represent some of the better captures shared on the site.

Reported UFO Sightings From Around Colorado For 2022

Have you ever spotted a UFO over Colorado? Last year alone (2022), hundreds of reports were made to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

The information below comes from the 2022 Annual Report on Unidentified Aerial Phenomena. The examples below represent only a fraction of the reports made during the year 2022. Reports from various communities across Colorado were selected for this gallery.

The National UFO Reporting Center site offers a detailed list of dates, locations, descriptions, and in many cases, photos.

UFO Sights from All Around Grand Junction, Colorado

Orbs, Bright Lights, Spheres, and Spaceships? See all the times over the past 20 years that a UFO sighting near Grand Junction was reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (

Amazing UFO Watchtower Campground Located Near Hooper, Colorado

Get ready for a road trip to an area of Colorado known for numerous UFO sightings. You'll find it just down the road near Hooper, Colorado.

This destination offers a 360-degree observation platform from which you can observe extraterrestrial activity taking place in Colorado's San Luis Valley. Oh, and by the way, camping is available.

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