Top Five Weather Stories From The Last Decade in Colorado
If you don't like the weather in Colorado just wait. It will change.
How many times have you heard that old adage? But there is quite a bit of truth to it.
Over the last ten years, Colorado has seen some fascinating weather and what better way to start a new decade than to take a look back at the weird weather of the old one?
This isn't something one usually experiences in Western Colorado, but that's what we got. On the heels of a nice little snowstorm came the freezing rain. And a weather event few if any could remember ever happening here. Lost power, overloaded hospital emergency rooms and closed roads. Ah, the good old days.
Just when you think it's safe to quit worrying about snow, the blizzard that hit in the spring of 2016 made that sort of thinking old fashioned. We already know the weather has a way of making us look silly and this one sure did. Dumping up to 20 inches of snow in some places, with snow falling at a rate of three inches per hour, this wasn't just a little snowfall in March.
It seemed as though every day there was another huge avalanche that closed highways, destroyed homes and made life miserable for many. For several days, Colorado was under an avalanche watch, as the danger reached a ranking of 4 on a scale of 5, meaning more were likely.
The previous winter had been fairly dry, so the tinder dray areas of the state were ripe for wildfires. And they happened. At one time there were 14 wildfires burning in the state. Towns and entire areas were evacuated, homes were destroyed and lives all across Colorado were changed.
Quite Simply the strongest storm ever recorded in Colorado. Colorado's barometric pressure dropped to a similar level one would see in a Category Two hurricane. Hundreds of thousands of people lost power and every flight into or out of DIA was canceled. This was one scary storm.
With a new decade of course comes the possibility of more unique storms like these. But like we always do, Coloradans will survive whatever mother nature throws at us.

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