Many people fail to realize the old motorcycle tucked away under the blanket in the shed is of great interest to a great many people. You might want to give some thought to dusting the relic off and showcasing it at the 5th Annual Vintage Motorcycle Days coming up this June.

Several past winners in the judging competition had no clue the old motorcycle they had inherited was a showstopper. Maybe you have an old bike you've held on to for sentimental reasons or because you felt is was of no value. It's amazing just how much interest exists for that old dust collector.

Waylon Jordan
Waylon Jordan

Every year, the Western Colorado Vintage Motorcycle Association hosts the Vintage Motorcycle Days in downtown Palisade. This year's event is coming up Saturday, June 1st. Motorcycle enthusiasts from several states make their way to Palisade just for this event.

For the purposes of this show, "vintage" refers to motorcycles 25-years-old and older. The event is open to all makes and models.

Waylon Jordan
Waylon Jordan

Since prepping a bike for show takes time, and in some cases, a bunch of time, now is a great opportunity to go give that old bike a look. You may just have a treasure. Keep in mind, the event includes several categories including Best Overall, Best Rat Bike, Best American Made, and several others.

This is a free, family event. Motorcycles can be entered in the show at no charge. However, if you would like for your bike to be entered in the judging and eligible to win trophies, there is a $10 charge.


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