Here’s How ‘Doctor Sleep’s Recreation of ‘The Shining’ Compares to the Original Movie
The trailer for Doctor Sleep, the new sequel to Stephen King’s The Shining, includes some shots that look like they were pulled directly out of Stanley Kubrick’s classic film adaptation. But in an interview with Bloody Disgusting, Doctor Sleep director Mike Flanagan says there’s “only one shot in the trailer you saw that’s actually [Kubrick’s] footage, and that’s the shot of the bloody elevators.” Everything else is a “recreation” made by Flanagan. Which is mighty impressive.
How impressive? Let’s put them side by side and see. On the left is a frame from Stanley Kubrick’s The Shining. (I just grabbed it from the version currently streaming on Hulu.) On the right is a frame from the Doctor Sleep trailer from YouTube:
When you see them side by side, you can spot minor differences; the tricycle is a little different, the lighting is slightly changed, the carpet’s colors are a little more orange in Kubrick’s and a little more yellow in Flanagan’s. Still, it’s kind of incredible to compare them and see how close they got.
There are a few more differences in the infamous shot of the twins standing together at the end of the hallway. The framing is a little varied (Kubrick’s shot it a little closer; in his really long shots Danny’s head is visible in the foreground) and the color is brighter in The Shining. Flanagan didn’t light up the exit sign in his take. (Easily accessible exits kind of kill the mood of claustrophobia, I guess.) This is Kubrick’s Shining on the left and Flanagan’s Doctor Sleep on the right:
Here’s a few more comparisons. Here’s the door to Room 237:
And here is Jack Nicholson famously screaming “Here’s Johnny!” from The Shining, with Ewan McGregor revisiting that spot in the Overlook Hotel in Doctor Sleep:
If you missed the full Doctor Sleep trailer, here it is:
Doctor Sleep opens in theaters on November 8. I’m sure there will be a lot more comparisons to The Shining after that.
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