The Rock Opens Up About Vin Diesel ‘Candy Ass-gate’ and If He’ll Be Back for ‘Fast and Furious 9’
Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson are far from the family they appear to be in the Fast and Furious movies. Johnson got so fed up with his co-star a year and a half ago that he referred to him, anonymously, as a “candy ass,” and everyone trying desperately all at once to figure out who he was referring to almost destroyed the internet. He confirmed it was Diesel, the two had some very serious sit-down conversations. The Rock is not over it, exactly, but he’s not talking smack anymore either.
In his new Rolling Stone profile, Johnson naturally discussed what went down with Diesel on the set of The Fate of the Furious. He revealed that the two of them shot none of their scenes together, and the film was instead edited in such a way that it looked like they could have been in the same room, a theory that eagle-eyed Fast fans have had for some time.
Vin and I had a few discussions, including an important face-to-face in my trailer. And what I came to realize is that we have a fundamental difference in philosophies on how we approach moviemaking and collaborating. It took me some time, but I’m grateful for that clarity. Whether we work together again or not.
Does that mean he’s not planning on coming back for any future Fast installments?
“I’m not quite sure,” he says. “Right now I’m concentrating on making the spinoff as good as it can be” – Hobbs and Shaw, co-starring Jason Statham, due next year. “But I wish him all the best, and I harbor no ill will there, just because of the clarity we have.” He considers this, then lets out a big, sly laugh. “Actually, you can erase that last part about ‘no ill will.’ We’ll just keep it with the clarity.”
No one will ever know what exactly Diesel did to piss the Rock off so much, but at least they’re not out for blood like they were before. Now, I wonder what Tyrese Gibson will have to say…
Gallery – Co-Stars Who Hated Each Other:
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