There are many things that go into a successful weight loss campaign, but one key is to reward yourself for good behavior. That's exactly what I did this week.
New Year's Diets are now either in full swing -- or they have completely blown up and gone the way of the unicorn. If you are among those still working at it, good job! Keep in mind when it comes to reaching your weight loss goal, the last five pounds may be the toughest five pounds to lose.
It's week five of my New Year's diet, and I'm learning that you have to have some variety in your life. Otherwise, you will crash and burn, and chalk up another diet failure.
It's happened to anyone who has ever been on a diet, and if it hasn't already, it will happen to you. So, what do you do when you fall off the diet wagon?
It's week two of my New Year's diet, and I'm off to a good start, dropping five pounds in the first week. That first week tends to be one of the biggest hurdles to cross in dieting, so here's a look at how to survive the first week of your diet.
Who was it that said, 'better late than never'? I believe that often times it is true, and so while I'm a bit late getting started - my new year's diet is finally underway.