Washington County

How Did Utah’s Abbreviation Come About? Here’s One Theory
How Did Utah’s Abbreviation Come About? Here’s One Theory
How Did Utah’s Abbreviation Come About? Here’s One Theory
I've never met Gary Gulman. In fact, the 6-foot-6 comedian has been on television dozens of times and I haven't caught him live even once. I feel bad about that, but truthfully I don't watch TV much anymore, so it's not surprising. But on my Facebook feed today his bit about the meeting to abbreviate the states came across and I clicked on it ... a...
Zombie Apocalypse Is Already Here Among Utah’s Wildlife
Zombie Apocalypse Is Already Here Among Utah’s Wildlife
Zombie Apocalypse Is Already Here Among Utah’s Wildlife
Most people don't believe there will ever be a real zombie apocalypse -- semi-human zombies stumbling through the streets, looking to satisfy the unquenchable hunger for human brains, a 1,000-yard stare in their unthinking demeanor, blood dripping from their half-open mouths...
The Utah State Flag Debate: Balancing History And Progress
The Utah State Flag Debate: Balancing History And Progress
The Utah State Flag Debate: Balancing History And Progress
If you've been watching social media in the past couple of weeks, there's been a big flap over the new Utah state flag. One commenter said, " I've been all over this state of ours and I haven't had one single person say they like the new flag design better than the old flag...