While looking for something in the Aspen, Colorado area on Google, I noticed a mysterious plane show up in three different spots on Google Maps. Was it the same plane? Where did it come from and where did it go?
If you Google, "things caught by Google Maps," over a million results show up...
A Malaysia Airlines jet carrying nearly 300 people crashed near the border between Russia and Ukraine, according to Reuters and Interfax. The airline company has confirmed that it has lost contact with the plane, a Boeing 777.
Sunbathing is meant to be a relaxing time at the beach, unless you are at this beach where the most dangerous sunbathing in the world takes place. On this island off of northern Germany beach goers don’t need to worry about the Sun as much as the landing planes.
If flying makes you sick, this may not be the best thing to watch.
This video captured the problem some planes had taking off and landing at Britain's Birmingham Airport this past winter due to high winds.
Let's just say it was a bit of an adventure...