Geer Featured
Geer Featured
Geer Featured
When Mesa County Sheriffs Deputy Derek Geer was killed in the line of duty in February, he hoped, as an organ donor, that someday his death might save another's life. What he didn't know, is it would happen much sooner than expected.
Accidently Aired CNN Outtake Should Help You Feel Better About Public Speaking
Accidently Aired CNN Outtake Should Help You Feel Better About Public Speaking
Accidently Aired CNN Outtake Should Help You Feel Better About Public Speaking
Here's proof even the pros mess up. CNN's Jake Tapper and Brooke Baldwin struggle with a story about current and former U.S. Presidents' travel to Nelson Mandela funeral. This was supposed to be an outtake, but aired by mistake. It's also a great lesson on why, when asked, we shouldn't worry to much about having to speak publicly.
CNN Looking To Reality TV and Late-Night Talk Shows. Oh Joy.
CNN Looking To Reality TV and Late-Night Talk Shows. Oh Joy.
CNN Looking To Reality TV and Late-Night Talk Shows. Oh Joy.
Understandably, all TV networks have to adapt to keep pace with a changing landscape.  Just a few short years ago, we relied on The History Channel for educational programming rather than extra-terrestrial conspiracy theorists and original series, and now it seems that the notoriously stagnant CNN is looking to shake up its image in the coming years as well.  Just what do they have in mind, and wh