Snowboarding Through New York City is the Perfect Way to Travel in a Snowstorm
When you have a lot of snow but no mountain to ski or snowboard down like we do in Colorado, you have to come up with a very creative, although illegal, way to make the most of it.
The large amount of snow blanketing the eastern part of the US over the weekend has given people all kinds of opportunities to have fun. But, snowboarding and skiing through the streets of 'The Big Apple' has to be not only the most fun, but also the most daring.
Even though this is dangerous and illegal, the police seem to be content on letting these guys have fun for the sake of a great video.
That fun eventually ended as the city ultimately closed the streets to all traffic, but not before one of the daring duo had a chance to wave the American flag and show why the US is such an awesome place to live.
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