Remembering Grand Junction’s Best Veterinarian Through Photos
For close to 30 years, the Jordan family trusted exactly one Grand Junction veterinarian with the care of our furry family members. We lost Dr. Thomas Melzer in September 2012 and still miss him dearly. Here's a look at 30 years of Jordan fur-babies who received their care from Dr. Melzer.
The Jordans first started visiting Dr. Tom when he opened his clinic in the Orchard Mesa Plaza. He ran the Orchard Mesa Veterinary Clinic from one of the units near the west end of the plaza. Later, he would build a new facility just down the road on Highway 50.
I can't recall exactly when we began taking our pets to Dr. Tom, but I would place the date somewhere around 1984. From that visit on, all of our pets saw Dr. Melzer.
Last Sunday, on the 4th anniversary of his death, I began thinking back on all the pets we had taken to Dr. Tom over the last three decades. There were quite a few.
As time went by, we began to realize that everyone we knew took their pets to Dr. Tom, too. It wasn't just a matter of location. Friends of mine who live nowhere near Orchard Mesa would drive clear across the valley to take their pets to his clinic.
Over time, the Jordan family would go on to become good friends with Dr. Tom. As you can imagine, we were devastated when we heard the news he had died.
We are still loyal clients at the his clinic. The staff is remarkable, and the facility is magnificent.
Thank you, Dr. Tom Melzer, for all the compassionate care you showed our family. I think about you all the time. The Jordans appreciate everything you did for pets here in the valley over the course of your remarkable career.