Postal Service Scrambling to Find Replacement in Colorado Town
[Editor's Note: Updated Monday, August 8 @ 2:27 p.m.] According to the USPS, the contractor who apparently signed a contract walked away from his responsibilities. The postal service is currently working to find an emergency replacement.
A representative with the USPS shared this message:
The United States Postal Service was notified late last week that the contractor holder has chosen to unexpectedly terminate their contract and their responsibilities in operating the Colorado City Post Office. USPS contracting officials are aggressively working on an emergency replacement and are hopeful to have a solution soon.
Until an emergency contract is in place, Colorado City residents can pick up their mail at the Pueblo Main Post Office located at 1022 Fortino Blvd, Pueblo, CO 81008, Monday – Friday 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday 10:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. There is a separate retail line for Colorado City residents only.
We apologize for this inconvenience. This is only a temporary solution until we can evaluate our options for Colorado City.
[Original Story Aug 5, 2022 @ 9:19 a.m.] It wasn't long ago that we heard about the entire police force resigning from a Colorado town and now it would appear that a similar thing has happened to a town's postal service.
No More Postal Service in Colorado City

The town is a small one just south of Pueblo by the name of Colorado City. Until now, Colorado City had a post office where its thousands of residents would go to pick up their mail. However, as of August 1st, 2022, this is no longer available.
In fact, the post office in Colorado City currently has a sign on the door that says, "Colorado City customers - Please pick up your mail at Pueblo Main."
The sign is pointing Colorado City residents to the main Pueblo Post Office which isn't exactly a quick trip.
In fact, the town of Colorado City is about 28.5 miles south of Pueblo which equates to close to an hour drive round trip.
What Happened to the Colorado City Post Office?
According to the now former lone postal worker in Colorado City, Terry Irick, the United States Postal Service "abandoned" the small Colorado town.
Irick appeared on Colorado Springs news station KRDO NewsChannel 13 and explained that the postal service "set him up to fail" by not supplying him with the necessary resources, training, and manpower to carry out the duties that were expected of him.
Irick went on to say that when he brought these concerns to the postal service, his requests for help were ignored. Because of this, Irick abruptly resigned after roughly a month in the position.
For the time being, the Colorado City Post Office is remaining closed and its residents are forced to make the trek up I-25 to conduct any mail-related business.