Police Called After 12-Year-Old Plays with Toy Gun During School Zoom Class
We all know that school and guns don't mix. This year has been a little different as kids are having to adapt to new classrooms from home while still adhering to the rules. And 6ABC is reporting one child in Colorado had officers sent to his home after he was seen playing with a TOY gun while on a school Zoom session.
Authorities are saying they did the right things as a 12-year-old pointed what looked like a gun at a friend during an online class they were taking together. The boy's mother is not happy about how the situation was handled and how quickly the El Paso County Sheriff's Office got involved.
The sheriff's office is saying they responded after being contacted by the school district out of concern for the welfare of the students and admitted at the time that the school wasn't sure if the gun in the video session was real or fake.
After being contacted by the school the boy's mom was informed that officers were on the way to their house but she was not at home and feared for her 12-year-old son. She called her son immediately and told him to place the toy gun on the counter and hide in the basement. The 12-year-old boy is Black, and his mom now fears that her son is scared of police officers after this interaction involving what he knew to be a toy.
While I understand school administration just being worried about the kid's safety, it seems like they should have spoken with parents before escalating things to the sheriff's office. What do you think about how the school handled the situation?