Now You Can Finally Learn How to Paddleboard
It's a "sport" growing in popularity, and now you can join in and finally learn how to paddleboard in Grand Junction.
No doubt, you have seen stand-up paddleboarders on the lake, or as I did just days ago, on the Colorado river. (which seems a little scary to me) Perhaps you have thought, 'gee, I sure would like to do that.' Or perhaps your thought was more like mine which is, "why would a person WANT to do that?"
Stand-up Paddleboarding, or SUP as it is called, is a fun and easy way to get out on to the water. It's easier and cheaper than a boat for sure, and I have seen people fishing from them. But, it looks awfully inconvenient, uncomfortable, and tricky - especially for fishing.
I don't think I would be a good paddleboarder. My sense of balance walking on two feet on solid ground is sketchy enough, let alone putting me on an unstable, floating device.
But, for those that think it looks like fun, here's you chance to learn how.
Rondo Buecheler of Rapid Creek Cycles and Paddleboards, via Grand Junction Parks and Rec is offering a class in paddleboarding at Corn Lake. For $30, the board, paddle, leash, and flotation device is provided, all you have to bring is your swimsuit,a towel, and shoes that you don't mind getting wet.
The classes are being offered in May and June, and you can sign up for one - or all of them to learn the fundamentals of paddleboarding, and to get some practice time in with an instructor. For more information contact Grand Junction Parks and Rec.
If you do it, be sure and let me know how it goes.
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