November Election May Hold Keys to Better Colorado Roads
There are two things everyone in Colorado hates - road construction and taxes. Unfortunately, both are necessary evils.
Have you traveled Highway 50 from Grand Junction to Delta lately? If you aren't sure how good the shock absorbers are on your car, take a trip on this road and it won't take long to find out.
Then there's Interstate 70. Seems like the road construction between Grand Junction and Denver is endless, no matter what time of year it is. Yet, there still seems to be so many areas of that highway that are in such serious disrepair.
The fact is, Colorado is spending less on roads than ever. According to the Durango Herald, only 6% of the state's budget is going to transportation costs compared to 10% ten years ago. The report says Colorado interstates are being funded by a gas tax that hasn't been raised since 1991.
Believe me, I'm the last guy that wants to pay more taxes, but I'm also tired of traveling on rough, bumpy roads everywhere I go.
Colorado voters will have a chance to weigh in on the matter in the November election, not only by who they select as the next governor, but on two initiatives that would impact Colorado's transportation needs.
Proposition 110 would increase the state sales tax by 21% - 0.62 cents. The money would be used to fund 107 state and local transportation projects.
Proposition 109 would not raise taxes but might help Colorado roads. If this measure passes, the state legislature would have to borrow $3.5 billion for high-priority road and bridge projects and then pay it back over the next 20 years using existing tax revenue.
Based on history, it would seem unlikely that Colorado voters would be in favor of any sort of tax increase, but only time will tell. Putting the state deep into debt to fix our roads doesn't sound like a great idea either. It's possible both of these ideas will get the thumbs down from Colorado voters.
The fact remains, we have to do something to get Colorado roads up to date, and the longer we put it off the worse it's going to get. I would suggest you read up on these two propositions and get educated on what they both mean before you cast your vote.
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