WATCH: Moose Walks Under a Rainbow at Cameron Peak
A once in a lifetime clip was posted on Reddit from user r/Kosmothedoggo when the Redditor was able to capture video footage of a moose walking right under the end of a rainbow near Cameron Peak.
The Redditor posted the video in the Fort Collins subreddit with the title ' Magical Moose moment at Cameron Peak! I caught a moment when a moose walked right under a rainbow" The Reddit user-added, "both were gone after 10 seconds".
Other Reddit users chimed in on the short video clip. One saying that they have seen a total of 17 moose in one day in the area. The original poster, Kosmothedoggo, replied to the comment saying they saw two additional moose in the area right after the video was taken. Another user by the name of HidingInSaccades said "Big af leprechaun", which I thought was quite humorous and albeit, fitting due to the location of the moose and the rainbow.
According to Colorado Parks and Wildlife, the Colorado Shiras Moose are the largest game species and full-grown adults can weigh anywhere from 800 to 1,200 pounds when fully grown. Moose in Colorado can typically be found in areas where the brush is most abundant. The most common places to spot a moose are in sagebrush, above timberline, and in willow, aspen, and beaver pond environments.
Moose are also known to be aggressive from time to time. So it is in your best interest to keep a safe distance as they can charge without warning at any given time.
Source: Reddit - Colorado Parks and Wildlife