Don’t You Hate When Your Mom Walks Onto the Set of Your Lame Music Video Demanding Cigarettes?
Mom is the one person who you can always count on to be there for you. Even when you don't want her anywhere near you.
This poor guy seems to have the deck stacked against him. He's already making what looks like an atrocious video. Things can't get worse. Until they do.
His mom walks right onto the set and says she needs the car to get a "pack of damned cigarettes."
This happens on the set of any major video, right? Actually, maybe if Justin Bieber's mom showed up, he'd be more liable to stay in line and stop acting like the kid everyone in your class wants to beat up.
We're not entirely convinced this is real. It's got the feel of someone trying to make a ridiculous video so he can be flown out to Hollywood and be featured on the 'Web Redemption' segment on 'Tosh.O.' In the end, who cares -- it's pretty funny.
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