This man proves that money money doesn't buy happiness, making the world a better place does. For this millionaire, the simple act of picking up trash provides a great deal of happiness and accomplishment.

In an article published in The Wall Street Journal, having money doesn't necessarily equal happiness. In the article, researchers found it was how the money was used that created happiness.

One of the ways to find happiness with money was through charity. The other key was to use the money to gain useful and memorable experiences.

As for millionaire garbage man Mr. Yo, who also calls himself "The Boss of Cleaning", his wealth allows him time to perform some meaningful service. But, it's also likely a man who's so humble is also a charitable giver.

I think the author of this video describes this man perfectly by saying, "A great person is not only a person who does great in a great way, a great person is a person who does simple things with great love!"


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