Redlands Middle School Teacher Charged With Assault
A Redlands Middle School Teacher has been issued a Felony Summons for Assault in the Third Degree of an At-risk Person by the Mesa County Sheriff's Office stemming from an incident at the school in January.
The Summons was issued to 58-year-old Kent Clinkingbeard and includes charges of Child Abuse, Second Degree Criminal Tampering, and Harassment.
The Summons was issued following an investigation of child abuse at a school by the Mesa County Sheriff's Office.
School District 51 officials learned of the possible abuse on February 1, 2017, and immediately placed Clinkingbeard on administrative leave while the Sheriff's Department and District Officials investigated the incident.
In a press release, School District 51 Public Information Officer Emily Shockley says Clinkingbeard remains on administrative leave at this time.
She also noted dismissal of a teacher is governed by special statutes in Colorado law that prohibits firing a teacher without due process which could take months.
Clinkingbeard remains on administrative leave pending the outcome of criminal charges and School District review and possible hearing. The Summons requires Clinkingbeard to appear before the court in April.