Lack of Neighborly Respect Leads to Sleeplessness, Frustration, Violence
Here's a fact of life. A little respect and common courtesy go a long way toward keeping the peace. But a lack of it can lead to frustration and violence.
I read a story in the Colorado Springs Gazette about a man from Colorado Springs who was beaten with a wooden stick by his neighbor. Why? Because the man was playing his music too loud.
Are you kidding me?
First of all, let me say, it is never okay to beat someone's brains out just because they irritate you.
Violence is never the answer except in the defense of life and property.
Secondly, why do some people have so little regard for others? They act so disrespectfully and discourteous.
Perhaps you have people like this in your neighborhood. Maybe it's firing up their hot rod late in the evening. Their kids yelling and screaming at 10:00 p.m. in the yard. A party. Or the dreaded fireworks.
The Fourth of July is approaching and already the darkness of night is being filled with pops, cracks, and booms from fireworks.
I don't mind people "celebrating," but, in my opinion, doing it after 10:00 p.m. is disrespectful and discourteous to all of the people and pets in the vicinity. I'm not sure it's the loud popping that keeps me awake, but it causes anxiety in my dog, and that definitely keeps me awake. Then I start feeling angry toward these people who are being so disrespectful. As well as the law enforcement which allows it. Then, I REALLY can't sleep.
I'm not going to shoot anyone or beat anyone with a stick. I'll admit, sometimes I would like to.Fortunately, I'm not a violent person. But, when I feel those feelings of anger welling up inside of me, I do understand better how violence can escalate, as was the case in the Colorado Springs story. Some people when they have those angry feelings have no control and express it physically and violently, as wrong as that may be.
Fortunately, I'm not a violent person. But, when I feel those feelings of anger welling up inside of me, I understand how violence can escalate. Like the case in Colorado Springs.
Some people can't control their angry feelings and express it physically and violently, as wrong as that may be.
The fact is, we can't always control what other people do, so our best is to control ourselves. Learn to handle anger and frustration in a calm and appropriate manner, like making a call to law enforcement.
I talk about this every year around this time in hopes that it will cause someone to think about how their actions may be affecting others. Perhaps it could help someone else who has one of these discourteous neighbors to not react violently or aggressively.
Respect, courtesy, common sense ... we could use more of it.
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