The state of Colorado is home to numerous scary, and often dangerous animals. The Department of Parks and Wildlife has recently been reintroducing gray wolves to the state following a voter-approved measure, but Colorado is also home to other dangerous animals including bears, mountain lions, rattlesnakes, and coyotes, to name a few.

Read More: Colorado is Home to Seven Endangered or Threatened Amphibians |

However, the Centennial State is also home to another animal that if provoked, could be very dangerous despite their cute appearance - the badger. In fact, three different species occupy three different regions of Colorado and while they may look cute in photos, they can be quite vicious.

Colorado is Home to Three Types of American Badgers

As you'll see below, three different species of American badgers have laid claim to three different regions of the state of Colorado.

The majority of the state is home to the Taxidea taxus jeffersoni which occupies nearly the entire western slope.

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On the front range and eastern plains of Colorado, the primary sub-species of American badger is known by the scientific name Taxidea taxus taxus.

Finally, along the state of Colorado's southern border shared with New Mexico, the American badger sub-species of Taxidea taxus berlandieri can be found.

Despite the fact that badgers are relatively small compared to most of Colorado's other dangerous wild animals, if you happen to be unlucky enough to cross paths with one you will definitely want to treat it as if it were a mountain lion, rattlesnake, or any other dangerous animal and leave it alone.

Colorado is Home to One of the Largest Urban Wildlife Refuges

Just outside of Commerce City, Colorado, sits a 15,000-acre urban wildlife refuge.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Vintage Footage: When Feeding Wildlife in Colorado was Encouraged

Check out some very old documentation of Colorado staples such as Garden of the Gods and Pikes Peak from a time when feeding the wildlife was encouraged.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde

Flashback: Colorado Animal Sanctuary Rescues 25 Abused Lions

Colorado’s Wild Animal Sanctuary has been taking in exotic animals for many years, including 25 malnourished lions as part of a well-documented rescue from South America.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde