Some people can hike the Colorado Trail from start to finish in under two weeks. I asked Google how long it takes lazy people to do it, and the answer was 28 to 42 days (4 to 6 weeks).

Read More: Discover the Point of Lowest Elevation Found in Colorado

The trail is divided into 28 segments passing through eight different mountain ranges and along the Continental Divide. It's one of the most popular long-distance hikes in America for the variety of scenery and a well-kept trail that is easy to follow.

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Hiking the Colorado Trail

The Colorado Trail is over 560 miles long. The trail starts near Denver crossing the Rocky Mountains and following the Continental Divide Southwest toward Durango. The Colorado Trail Foundation says the best time to take on the Colorado Trail is July through September.

The Highest Point

The highest point along the Colorado Trail is a place called the Coney Benchmark (13,334 feet). It's a 13er mountain found south of Lake City off the Carson Pass. While most of the Colorado Trail is above an elevation of 10,000 feet, the Coney Summit is the high point of the journey as you travel through the San Juan Mountains.

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The Colorado Trail: Segment 22

The Coney Benchmark is part of Segments 22 and 23 of the Colorado Trail. Segment 22 (Spring Creek Pass Trailhead to Carson Saddle) is 17.2 miles, followed by Segment 23 (Carson Saddle to Stony Pass Trailhead) at almost 16 miles. Hiking this portion of the Colorado Trail will keep adventurers above 12,000 feet for more than 30 continuous miles.

GOING UP: Photos: Hiking To the Highest Named Lake in Colorado

Join us for a virtual tour of the highest-named lake in the United States, found right here in Colorado. Youtuber Dave Spates shows us what it is like to hike through McCullough Gulch Trail to find our destination at 13,420 feet.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

MORE: Argentine Pass: Colorado’s Highest Route Over the Continental Divide

Colorado's Argentine Pass is the highest route over the Continental Divide and is a part of the American Discovery Trail that stretches across the nation. Keep reading to learn twelve facts about this mountain pass you may not have known.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

KEEP GOING: 10 Colorado Counties with the Highest Number of Bear Sightings

Which Colorado county recorded the highest number of bear sightings in 2022? We're using data from Colorado Parks and Wildlife to take a closer look at the top ten counties in Colorado that reported the most number of bear sightings during the last calendar year.

Gallery Credit: Wesley Adams

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