Without question, though Denver is one of the coolest cities in America, the thought of parking in Denver give many people "the chills." How would you feel if you got "hacked" because you used a parking meter?

All we want to do is to hit Denver, do some shopping, have some fun, maybe get a great meal; all the criminals want to do, is get our info. Thankfully, somebody's looking out for us.

The thought of getting ripped off can put anybody "off" of going to the Mile High City, but if you know what to look out for, you'll be O.K.

Parking Meters in Denver May Be Conning You Out of Money

Maybe, like me, you hate the idea of trying to find parking in Denver. It stresses me out, like you wouldn't believe:

  • Where?
  • How much will it cost?
  • How do I pay?

Maybe that's why I don't visit Denver often enough.

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KDVR reports that the Federal Trade Commission is warning us that there are parking meters out there in cities like Denver, that have QR codes that say will lead you to a site to pay for parking, but are actually sites that steal your paying information.

There is Only One Legit Way to Pay Parking Meters in Denver

The only way to pay for parking with the parking meters in Denver, according to KDVR, is the PayByPhone app. If the QR code on the meter you're at does not say that, do not scan that code.

The correct code will open the app (if you already have it) or take you to your app store.

TSM/Dave Jensen
TSM/Dave Jensen

Be sure to pass this along to friends and family who are eager to visit Devner.

MORE DENVER: The 10 Most-Booked Restaurants in Denver

When it comes to dining out in Colorado, Denver has myriad places to enjoy a great meal. How about a list of of places that people are booking reservations the most at, to help determine where to go?

Gallery Credit: Dave Jensen

Explore Denver International Airport + Conspiracies

An employee of Denver International Airport debunks many of the well-known conspiracy theories.

Gallery Credit: Nate Wilde