Yeah, it's not really fun to think about, but it's true, and totally unavoidable. One day, we are all going to kick the bucket, and there's absolutely nothing we can do about it.

But when you cross over the border from the land of living to the great beyond, you'll want to leave behind a legacy that lets people know who you were as a person.

Wife, Mother, Father, Husband etc.  These are all nice things, but what you're really most proud of is the fact that you were from UTAH.

Utah Utah Flag GIF - Utah Utah Flag Newutahflag - Discover & Share GIFs
Utah. Our home and native land. (giphy)

Here are some gravestones that will tell everyone for centuries to come that you were truly a native of the beehive state.

I mean think about it. If they don't know you're from Utah, how else are you going to be remembered? As someone from Idaho?

That's just gross.

15 Gravestones You'd Only See In Utah

We're all gonna die. Might as well make 'em laugh once you're gone.
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