It seems that Colorado lawmakers have possibly lost their minds.

A new Colorado law has gone into effect which requires jail time for felony DUI offenders. That sure seems like a good thing, and it is.

The problem is, however, a DUI doesn't become a felony until the fourth offense. Not that the first offenses are free passes, because they aren't, there are consequences. The fact is many repeat DUI offenders are not getting jail time, which might explain why they are repeat offenders, and why drunk driving is such a problem in Colorado.

According to the Denver Post, it was back in 2015 when the legislature made the fourth DUI offense a felony, but it wasn't until this year that jail time became required for fourth-time DUI offenders.

According to MADD, nearly one-third of Colorado's traffic fatalities are alcohol related. Yet, we continue to treat drunk driving as a petty crime like jaywalking or littering.How many more people have to die before we get serious about wiping out needless drunk driving fatalities? Our legislature does not appear to take seriously the problem of alcohol abuse in our state.

How many more people have to die before we get serious about wiping out needless drunk driving fatalities? Our legislature does not appear to take seriously the problem of alcohol abuse in our state.

I talk about this a lot, but it's an issue that is not going away and seems only to be getting worse. Our Colorado legislature sure isn't helping matters, and it all started two years ago when the made the fourth DUI offense a felony. It should have been at least for the third DUI offense. Still, people keep drinking and driving because they can.

Does the Colorado legislature realize that?

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